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Luton Borough Council

A to Z of care jargon

A guide to some of the words you may come across when you are a looked-after young person.

It is not always easy to understand some of the words people use when they talk to you while you are in care. An explanation of these can help you to understand what they mean a lot more clearly.

This is a list of the most common words and phrases that may be used while you are in looked after care, and what they actually mean.


Being looked after by social services.


A person who can support what you have to say; an adult who can be with you when you make a complaint and talk on your behalf.


The support you receive when you leave the residential or foster home and move to a place of your own. You will get an aftercare worker (called a personal adviser) who will help you with this.


This is the money you are allowed. You will get pocket money every week, plus a certain amount on your birthday, at Christmas or other religious festivals.


This is where social care collects information about you and your family circumstances and writes a report on who they feel should care for you. Other professionals, such as school teachers, may also add information and you are entitled to tell your social worker if you wish to have your views included in the report.

Care order

A legal order made by a court that gives social care permission to look after you.

Care plan

A care plan is a document that says how and where you are going to live and be looked after.

If you have any special needs (eg for health reasons or need a special diet) this will all be recorded on your care plan.

Your care plan may also include details of any clubs you are part of or other activities that you like to do on a regular basis, as well as detailing which school you go to and details of contact with family, relatives and friends.

Children's Rights Service

The Children's Rights Service can help make sure you have the rights that you deserve and can act as an Advocate if you want them to.

Children's guardian

In some court proceedings relating to children, the court appoints a children's guardian. The children's guardian will appoint a solicitor who will represent you in court.


This is the word used to describe how and when you see your family and relatives.

Duty officer

A social worker who is available to speak to when your social worker is out of the office or on holiday.

Emergency Duty Team (EDT)

Social workers who are available to talk to out of office hours, for emergency situations.

Foster care

When you are looked after within a family situation by foster carers.

In care

When you are cared for by social care (see 'looked after').

Independent visitor (IV)

Someone you can talk to who is not part of the local authority or the social care teams.

Link worker

(In a children's home) a member of staff who has special responsibility for your care.

Looked after

Being 'in care'; where social care helps out with caring for you. This can be alongside, or instead of, your parents.

Personal Education Plan (PEP)

A plan of your education while you are being looked after by social care. This is a very important document that helps you to achieve your goals.

Regulation 33 Visitor

A person from the local authority who visits the council's residential homes every month to make sure that everything is OK for both the young people and the staff there.

They talk to staff and young people, make notes and then write a report. The report is sent to the manager of the residential home, senior managers at Luton Borough Council and Ofsted (which inspects children's services). This is to make sure that you are being well cared for.


Every young person will have a review from time to time. This is where your social worker and other professionals will talk to you and your family and see if anything has changed since they first assessed you or wrote your care plan. If things have changed then new agreements may be made. You will be fully involved in the review and it is important that you have your say.

Social worker

A person employed by the local authority social care team. Each young person has a named social worker who is responsible for their care.

Virtual head teacher

A person responsible for tracking the academic progress and achievement of looked after children and young people. All local authorities (LAs) must have a virtual head teacher.

See also virtual school.

Virtual school

A team that makes sure looked after children and young people reach their full potential at school. It is made up of social workers, foster carers, schools, academies and other providers.

More information on Luton's Virtual school for looked after children

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